The National Freedom Institute – Centre for Civil Society Development is an institution responsible for supporting civil society, public benefit activities and volunteering. It was established in October 2017 on the initiative of Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Gliński, chairman of the Public Benefit Committee.
NFI-CCSD carries out activities for the development of civic and patriotic conduct in society. The Institute also implements programmes for the development of the non-governmental sector and volunteering:

Civil Society Organisations Development Programme
The Civil Society Organisations Development Programme for 2018-2030 (CSODP) is the first ever direct support programme for the development of Polish civil organisations. Subsidies under the programme are allocated to the institutional development of the organisation and the implementation of their statutory objectives.
The Civil Initiatives Fund NEWCIF
The Civil Initiatives Fund NEWCIF for 2021-2030 constitutes a continuation of a well-known governmental programme addressed to non-governmental sector. The main goal of the program is the promotion of social activity, activation and formation of civic conduct in society.
Solidarity Corps
The Long-term Volunteering’s Support and Development Programme for 2018-2030 (The Solidarity Corps) is a long-term volunteering programme which aims to provide comprehensive support for the development of a long-term relationship between volunteers and institutions using their services.
Public Benefit Organisations
NFI deals with public benefit organizations within the scope specified in the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work. The National Freedom Institute is an executive agency within the meaning of the Act of August 27, 2009. on public finance (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1870, as amended2) appointed to carry out tasks inThe National Freedom Institute is an executive agency within the meaning of the Act of August 27, 2009. on public finance (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1870, as amended2) appointed to carry out tasks in the scope indicated in Article 1 section 2.