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April 7, 2021

Logotypy programów i wytyczne do promocji projektów można pobrać TUTAJ Logo NIW-CRSO. Pobierz zestaw 0.01GB Logo NIW i programów w wersji angielskiej Loga NIW-CRSO i programów w wersji angielskiej. Pobierz zestaw. 0.03GB Dyrekcja NIW-CRSO Dyrektor Narodowego Instytutu Wolności Michał Braun Z-ca dyrektora Narodowego Instytutu Wolności Andrzej Rybus-Tołłoczko Back   NOTIFY A FRIEND

April 6, 2021

Non-governmental organisations are our partners with whom we want to build a strong and socially-aware civil society together. Their participation in the implementation of this project is crucial, which is why we approach our cooperation with due respect and openness. We believe that transparent rules, consulting actions and plans, as well as an open dialogue guarantee the optimal fulfilment of

April 6, 2021

NFI-CCSD is a modern institution pursuing social goals according to the highest management standards. We are a committed team of specialists, possessing expertise related to the non-governmental industry. Our mission is to serve the citizens and together build a modern civil society.

April 6, 2021

We support non-governmental organisations, adapting our activities to their needs and the conditions of the voluntary sector. We simplify procedures so that our solutions are available to as many non-governmental organisations as possible, regardless of their potential or resources. We believe that these actions will contribute to building a strong and stable civil society in Poland.

April 6, 2021

The National Freedom Institute – Centre for Civil Society Development is the first executive agency in the history of Poland responsible for supporting civil society, public benefit activities, and volunteering. We provide non-governmental organisations with content-related and financial support programmes.

April 6, 2021

In 2018, NFI-CCSD continued the implementation of the Civil Initiatives Fund Program for 2014-2020. As part of the Program, an open tender competition was conducted, as a result of which 539 co-financed offers for a total amount of almost PLN 57.6 million were selected. 600 entities were covered by the support. The 2018 competition introduced a number of changes compared

April 6, 2021

In 2019, NFI-CCSD conducted the following open grant competitions: In the Civic Initiatives Fund Program for 2014-2020: 2019 edition of the competition, 2020 edition – Priority 1; 2020 edition – Priorities 2-4 (call for tenders), In the Civic Organizations Development Program for 2018-2030 PROO: 2019 edition Priority 1a; Priority 1b; Priority 3; Priority 4; edition 2019 Priority 5. Competitions resulted

March 27, 2021

Warsztaty dla pracownika ngo: Jak uniknąć błędów językowych i błędów skal w pracy nad ankietą? Szkolenie skierowane jest do osób, które w pracy w organizacji pozarządowej korzystają lub planują korzystać z ANKIETY. Pokażemy, jak zrobić poprawną ankietę, będącą skutecznym narzędziem w ręku badacza i pracownika NGO. Zaprezentujemy skutki błędów językowych w pytaniach ankietowych i konsekwencje niewłaściwej konstrukcji skal odpowiedzi. Planujemy



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