The Director of NFI announced the results of an open call of proposals for offers for the implementation in 2022 from the funds of the Public Benefit Organization Support Fund of a public task related to increasing the competences or strengthening the infrastructure of public benefit organizations. 78 offers were selected for financing, which were positively recommended by the competition committee for issuing opinions.
Organizations whose offers were intended for financing will be contacted by employees of the Public Benefit Organization Office and will be provided information on the amount of subsidy granted, as well as requested verification of schedules and cost estimates in relation to this amount.
As part of the open competition of tenders for the implementation in 2022 of a public task with the funds of the Public Benefit Organization Support Fund, concerning the increase of competences or strengthening the infrastructure of public benefit organizations, organizations submitted 216 offers, 147 of which met the formal requirements and were assessed in terms of content in five criteria specified in competition announcement. The maximum score was 20 points. Due to the limited pool of funds in this competition (PLN 700,000.00) offers will be financed, which were assessed between 18 and 20 points.
Substantive assessment cards will be available to organisations in the Grant Handling System.
The Fund for Supporting Public Benefit Organizations (FWOPP) is a state earmarked fund whose purpose is to strengthen the potential of public benefit organizations by equalizing their chances. It is administered by the Director of NIW-CRSO.
FWOPP funds come from:
- 1% of personal income tax not spent by organizations that lost the status of public benefit organization,
- 1% of personal income tax spent for purposes other than public benefit activities,
- 1% of personal income tax transferred to a public benefit organization which was not included in the list of public benefit organizations entitled to receive 1% of tax for a given tax year, and due interest,
interest on free funds transferred by the Director of NIW-CRSO for management to the Minister of Finance.
For the first time in history, the funds accumulated in this fund are distributed among public benefit organizations.

Zaktualizowane April 7, 2022 @ 16:01:19 [Current Revision] przez NIW
Zaktualizowane April 7, 2022 @ 14:49:27 przez NIW
Zaktualizowane April 7, 2022 @ 14:48:31 [Autosave] przez NIW