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New challenges, interesting projects?


Learn about our current job offers. We are looking for candidates for various positions.


Important additional information

Please submit your application documents each time as a response to a specific advertisement. We do not maintain a database of candidates interested in working for NFI.


Recruitment of candidates is conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 15 September 2017 on the National Freedom Institute – Civil Society Development Centre (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1909, as amended).


Our institution is an equal opportunity employer, and all applications are taken into consideration with equal attention regardless of gender, age, disability, race, nationality, political opinion, union membership, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation or any other legally protected feature.


If you have any special needs, you are a disabled person, please indicate the service you need in connection with the interview and let us know.


Application documents submitted by candidates in the recruitment process in connection with a given position at NFI-CCSD will be destroyed after 3 months from the date of employment of the candidate or immediately after the recruitment process is completed without selecting the candidate.



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