New challenges, interesting projects?
Learn about our current job offers. We are looking for candidates for various positions.

Recruitment rules
Before submitting an offer in response to our advertisements, we encourage you to read the recruitment rules:
NFI-CCSD employs an open and competitive recruitment procedure when hiring employees.
Announcements about recruitment are published on the NFI-CCSD website in the Public Information Bulletin and in a publicly accessible place at the seat of the Institute.
Job advertisement shall contain at least:
- NFI-CCSD name and address
- job specification,
- job requirements,
- scope of tasks performed in the position,
- indication of the required documents,
- date and place for submitting documents,
- information on recruitment methods and techniques.
Information on the candidates who applied for recruitment constitute public information in the scope covered by the requirements specified in the recruitment announcement.
The deadline for submitting documents specified in the announcement of recruitment may not be shorter than 14 days from the date of publication of the announcement on the NFI-CCSD website in the Public Information Bulletin.
Offers received or supplemented after the deadline will not be considered (determined by the date of receipt by NFI-CCSD).
After the deadline for submitting documents, the list of candidates who meet the formal requirements specified in the announcement of recruitment is published on the NFI-CCSD website in the Public Information Bulletin and in a publicly accessible place at the Institute's seat.
The list includes the name and surname of the candidate along with the place of residence within the meaning of the Act of 23 April 1964 - Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 2017, items 459, 933 and 1132).
The recruitment for a vacancy at NFI-CCSD is followed by a protocol.
The protocol includes in particular:
- identification of the job for which the recruitment was conducted,
- the number of candidates,
- names, surnames and place of residence of no more than five of the best candidates, ranked according to the level of their compliance with the requirements specified in the vacancy notice,
- information on the recruitment methods and techniques used,
- justification of the choice of candidate.
Information on the result of the recruitment is published within 14 days from the date of employment of the selected candidate or the end of the recruitment process if no candidate was employed as a result of it.
Information about the recruitment result includes:
- identification of the job for which the recruitment was conducted,
- name and surname of the selected candidate and his place of residence or information that no candidate has been employed,
- justification of the choice of candidate.
Information about the result is published on the NFI-CCSD website in the Public Information Bulletin and in a place generally accessible at the seat of the Institute.
If the employment of the person selected through the recruitment process expires within 3 months from the start of the employment, another person from among the candidates indicated in the protocol may be employed in the same position. Information about the employment is published in accordance with point 10.
In NFI-CCSD, there can be no subordination between spouses and persons related to each other by kinship up to and including the second degree or affinity of the first degree, and in the relationship of adoption or guardianship.