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Internships and Volunteering


Use your free time to gain professional experience in the first institution in Poland that comprehensively supports the civil society.


At NIW-CRSO it is possible to organize:

  • student internship,
  • graduate internship,
  • volunteering.

What do we offer?

  • Salary in the case of a graduate internship,
  • Tutor’s support,
  • Tasks tailored to your expectations,
  • Flexibility as to working hours.


You have the opportunity to carry out the above tasks with us, get to know the functioning of the institution “from the inside” and, above all, gain new experiences.


Get to know us better and see what we do. If you find an area of ​​interest in which you want to pursue a student internship or volunteering, fill in the application form and send it to


If you are interested in a graduate internship, we encourage you to follow our website and social media, where we publish announcements about graduate internships.


You can obtain detailed information on internships and volunteering at NIW-CRSO at the following e-mail address



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